opt file? How can I get past this point? Google was no help. Where can I "Enable export mode"? Is there an. Regardless what parameters I use, I get this same message. (To disable this warning in the future, select `Enable expert mode' Your choice of mesh element sizes will likely produce a very When running the Mesher (regardless whether cfMesh, snappyHexMesh, or gmsh), the operation never completes. I am new to FreeCAD, and was very exited to try some of the OpenFOAM tutorials. from_file ( 'ball_and_socket_simplified_-_twist_lock.stl' ) minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz = find_mins_maxs ( twist_lock ) w2 = maxx - minx l2 = maxy - miny h2 = maxz - minz translate ( twist_lock, w1, w1 / 10.
radians ( 90 )) minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz = find_mins_maxs ( main_body ) w1 = maxx - minx l1 = maxy - miny h1 = maxz - minz copies = copy_obj ( main_body, ( w1, l1, h1 ), 2, 2, 1 ) # I wanted to add another related STL to the final STL twist_lock = mesh. from_file ( 'ball_and_socket_simplified_-_main_body.stl' ) # rotate along Y main_body. append ( _copy ) return copies # Using an existing stl file: main_body = mesh. , row, 'y' ) if layer != 0 : translate ( _copy, h, h / 10. , col, 'x' ) if row != 0 : translate ( _copy, l, l / 10. copy ()) # pad the space between objects by 10% of the dimension being # translated if col != 0 : translate ( _copy, w, w / 10. points += ( step * multiplier ) + ( padding * multiplier ) def copy_obj ( obj, dims, num_rows, num_cols, num_layers ): w, l, h = dims copies = for layer in range ( num_layers ): for row in range ( num_rows ): for col in range ( num_cols ): # skip the position where original being copied is if row = 0 and col = 0 and layer = 0 : continue _copy = mesh. max () return minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz def translate ( _solid, step, padding, multiplier, axis ): if 'x' = axis : items = 0, 3, 6 elif 'y' = axis : items = 1, 4, 7 elif 'z' = axis : items = 2, 5, 8 else : raise RuntimeError ( 'Unknown axis %r, expected x, y or z' % axis ) # _ = _solid. show ()Ĭombining multiple STL files import math import stl from stl import mesh import numpy # find the max dimensions, so we can know the bounding box, getting the height, # width, length (because these are the step size). auto_scale_xyz ( scale, scale, scale ) # Show the plot to the screen pyplot. vectors )) # Auto scale to the mesh size scale = cube_back. Axes3D ( figure ) # Render the cube axes. concatenate ()) # Optionally render the rotated cube faces from matplotlib import pyplot from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d # Create a new plot figure = pyplot. copy ()) # Rotate 90 degrees over the X axis followed by the Y axis followed by the # X axis cube_back. array (,, ]) # Since the cube faces are from 0 to 1 we can move it to the middle by # substracting. show ()Įxtending Mesh objects from stl import mesh import math import numpy # Create 3 faces of a cube data = numpy. vectors )) # Auto scale to the mesh size scale = numpy. Axes3D ( figure ) # Render the cube faces for m in meshes : axes. y += 2 # Optionally render the rotated cube faces from matplotlib import pyplot from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d # Create a new plot figure = pyplot. radians ( 90 )) # Translate 2 points over the Y axis meshes. y += 2 # Rotate 90 degrees over the X and Y axis meshes. radians ( 90 )) # Translate 2 points over the X and Y points meshes. x += 2 # Rotate 90 degrees over the X axis meshes. radians ( 90 )) # Translate 2 points over the X axis meshes. 5 # Generate 4 different meshes so we can rotate them later meshes = # Rotate 90 degrees over the Y axis meshes. Modifying Mesh objects from stl import mesh import math import numpy # Create 3 faces of a cube data = numpy.